Hi, I'm David, a High Performance & Executive Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Internationally Certified Trainer of NLP Coaches at multiple levels (Certified by John Grinder, Carmen Bostic St Clair and Michael Carroll), a Speaker, Mentor and Motivator.
What I do
I am passionate about helping stuck professionals live the life they want, not a life defined by others.
My story
At the age of 27, I was at a crossroads. With the breakdown of a relationship, I had to move out of the home I owned. I then had to take out a €52,000 loan to pay off negative equity on my home.
I had a growing disillusionment with my career and a feeling I was living someone else’s definition of my life. I was also a semi-professional rugby player, but I was playing for other people, not for me.
Most importantly, I was raising my 6 year old daughter to follow her dreams and be whomever she wanted, yet I wasn’t following my own advice.
I then had a choice. I could keep living by other people's expectations and be unhappy, or pursue the things I felt passionate about, things that represented the real me.
It was at this time that I encountered the world of Coaching and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (and read a book called the Alchemist!).
Since then, I have qualified as a Life and Behavioural coach, I have become a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), I have qualified as an International Certified Trainer of NLP Practitioners/Coaches and New Code NLP Coaches, and I have set up a successful coaching business which I am passionate about.
I have also pursued my life long dream of music, I am in a band and I have played at some of the best festivals and venues in Ireland (Electric Picnic, Body & Soul, the Academy and Whelans to name a few).
I am now raising my daughter by my actions, not only my words.
In short, I am living my life!
My purpose
I am passionate about coaching professionals who are stuck, as I was, releasing them from the chains of their past, their circumstances and their fears, and empowering them to live the life they were put here to live.
My current offices are at Insight Matters in Capel Street, Dublin, having previously worked in the Dublin Wellness Centre. The Dublin Wellness Centre unfortunately closed during the current pandemic. I offer in person and online one to one programs, I help people realise their potential and undergo profound changes through my courses (which include an accreditation as an internationally recognised NLP Practitioner/Coach), and I offer bespoke trainings/workshops and consultancy services to companies.
Contact me to arrange a Discovery Call and to start making changes in your life today!
"We all have challenges. We all have choices. We can choose to let the challenges and struggles we encounter define us, or we can write a new story, our story, starting from today."
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